Self-Service Tips During Longer Hold Times

Recently, XMission has seen longer than normal support hold times in spite of our best efforts. If you experience the following common problems, we encourage you to try some preliminary self-service support. Issues connecting to the Internet Here are some troubleshooting steps to get you back online. Please disconnect the power to your personal wireless […]
Media Release: XMission Recognizes its 10,000th Subscriber on UTOPIA Fiber

Today, XMission celebrated the 10,000th customer to sign up for its fiber optic service on the UTOPIA Fiber network. The customer, JR Medina of Murray, received a free year of XMission’s Gigabit data service. “I am extremely happy with UTOPIA,” said JR. “From the installation to how they hooked up my router, it was easy. […]
Is it your connection or your router?

You just got home and decided to see what’s new on a social site or continue playing that favorite game of yours. Maybe because it’s a new year, you got a new router. Maybe you’re getting buffering and more buffering, or the spinning wheel of death. You might be thinking, “Did I get a bad […]
Getting the speeds you should get

Internet speeds today are 100 times faster than they were ten years ago. Every day we push the limits of our Internet connections to meet demands. The 250Mbps and 1Gbps connections provided by UTOPIA and XMission are no exception. We know what it means to need a fast and reliable Internet connection. The one oversight […]
XMission Podcast: Episode 1 – “Why Fiber”

As a leading ISP in Utah, XMission sets out to not only provide incredible customer service and relationships, but to educate our customers on the landscape ahead of them. The XMission Podcast is another way that we aim to educate consumers about the technical world they live in. Focusing on the diverse landscape of Internet […]
Google Fiber in Salt Lake City.

Please note: As of January 1, 2017, XMission no longer sells DSL services. Today Salt Lake City and Google announced at an invite-only event that Google Fiber would be deploying in Salt Lake City. I have written about this previously, but I thought it was important to reiterate my and XMission’s position on this. Google […]
What’s the Latest on UTOPIA?

Since the inception of UTOPIA nearly a decade ago, I have managed XMission’s services on the 11 city municipal network. As such, I have earned a unique insider persective and understanding of not only UTOPIA’s current situation but also its long term challenges and successes. In recent months, I have attended a figurative magnitude of city council […]
Frequently Asked Questions about Macquarie and UTOPIA

Please note: As of January 1, 2017, XMission no longer sells DSL services. Last night, I attended the Murray town hall meeting on UTOPIA/Macquarie. It was refreshing to see over 300 people turn-out with many thoughtful questions. Although there was some misinformation from the audience broadcast, the city council and mayor did their best to […]
Google Fiber in Salt Lake City?

Yesterday, Vince Horiuchi from the Salt Lake Tribune called me for comment on a story that was under embargo until 11am today. Google Fiber is investigating Salt Lake City. In Kansas City and Provo, incredible concessions were made to install Google as a residential fiber monopoly. Kansas City waived franchise fees, and gave free office […]
Net Neutrality

A recent federal court decision in a case involving a Verizon challenge to FCC “Net Neutrality” rules has inspired many breathless headlines about the death of the Internet as we know it. Because this will enable giant Internet providers to start prioritizing traffic based upon what their customers are willing to pay them, it deals […]