internet speeds
All of your Speed Test Questions Answered

Speed test websites or servers allow users to test the speed between their device and a server using the server’s Internet connection. Running speed tests are a great way to determine if you have a connectivity issue, however, there are a number of factors that can dramatically affect the results of your tests. We hope […]
Is it your connection or your router?

You just got home and decided to see what’s new on a social site or continue playing that favorite game of yours. Maybe because it’s a new year, you got a new router. Maybe you’re getting buffering and more buffering, or the spinning wheel of death. You might be thinking, “Did I get a bad […]
Getting the speeds you should get

Internet speeds today are 100 times faster than they were ten years ago. Every day we push the limits of our Internet connections to meet demands. The 250Mbps and 1Gbps connections provided by UTOPIA and XMission are no exception. We know what it means to need a fast and reliable Internet connection. The one oversight […]