google fiber
Google Fiber in Salt Lake City.

Please note: As of January 1, 2017, XMission no longer sells DSL services. Today Salt Lake City and Google announced at an invite-only event that Google Fiber would be deploying in Salt Lake City. I have written about this previously, but I thought it was important to reiterate my and XMission’s position on this. Google […]
Google Fiber in Salt Lake City?

Yesterday, Vince Horiuchi from the Salt Lake Tribune called me for comment on a story that was under embargo until 11am today. Google Fiber is investigating Salt Lake City. In Kansas City and Provo, incredible concessions were made to install Google as a residential fiber monopoly. Kansas City waived franchise fees, and gave free office […]
The $1 Fiber Optic Network

Provo City excitedly announced yesterday that Google was taking over their troubled iProvo network. Google has done a respectable job in Kansas City, and I’m sure they will do the same in Provo. My only criticism after hearing this yesterday is that Kansas had to literally give away the farm to install a monopoly over […]