Migrate your Email from Google Apps to Zimbra Collaboration

In today’s Email Admin Tip we reveal how you can migrate email from Google Apps to Zimbra Collaboration at XMission. Utilizing a command line software tool called IMAPSync and OAuth authentication, you can migrate your email data between Google’s mail servers and XMission’s Zimbra mail servers. Currently, Google Apps supports use of OAuth and the following documentation links provide […]
What’s the Latest on UTOPIA?

Since the inception of UTOPIA nearly a decade ago, I have managed XMission’s services on the 11 city municipal network. As such, I have earned a unique insider persective and understanding of not only UTOPIA’s current situation but also its long term challenges and successes. In recent months, I have attended a figurative magnitude of city council […]
Frequently Asked Questions about Macquarie and UTOPIA

Please note: As of January 1, 2017, XMission no longer sells DSL services. Last night, I attended the Murray town hall meeting on UTOPIA/Macquarie. It was refreshing to see over 300 people turn-out with many thoughtful questions. Although there was some misinformation from the audience broadcast, the city council and mayor did their best to […]
Zimbra Tips: Drag and drop Zimlet

Please note: As of January 1, 2017, XMission no longer sells DSL services. This week I have another great XMission Zimbra discovery to share with you! This tip has to do with enhancing the drag-and-drop capabilities built into the Zimbra web interface when using the Firefox browser. Our mighty email administrator, Joaquin, has added a […]