Net Neutrality

A recent federal court decision in a case involving a Verizon challenge to FCC “Net Neutrality” rules has inspired many breathless headlines about the death of the Internet as we know it. Because this will enable giant Internet providers to start prioritizing traffic based upon what their customers are willing to pay them, it deals […]
Six Strikes, CISPA, and the Assault on American Privacy

We’ve recently heard from many customers asking whether XMission is following the “Six Strikes” program that other larger Internet providers are undertaking in conjunction with media companies. XMission is required by the DMCA “safe harbor” law to inform customers of potential copyright infringement sourcing from their account or connection. We usually do that by passing […]
An ISP That Believes in the Constitution

Recent actions by American technology companies have been disappointing to watch. For 17 years of XMission’s operation, we have consistently fought for the freedom and privacy of our customers. On many occasions, our customers have been attacked by individuals or groups who disagreed with what they were saying or publishing. Threats of legal action, unfounded […]