“The Future”
Media Release: Beyond Google Fiber—In UTOPIA Cities, XMission Launches The Fastest Residential Connection Available in the U.S.

XMission announced today that it now offers the fastest residential data connection available in America: a 10 Gigabit-per-second fiber-to-the-home connection on the UTOPIA network. “I am proud to be pushing the limits of Internet in Utah again with our 10 Gigabit to-the-home offering,” said Pete Ashdown, president and founder of XMission. “XMission strives to be […]
What’s the Latest on UTOPIA?

Since the inception of UTOPIA nearly a decade ago, I have managed XMission’s services on the 11 city municipal network. As such, I have earned a unique insider persective and understanding of not only UTOPIA’s current situation but also its long term challenges and successes. In recent months, I have attended a figurative magnitude of city council […]
Frequently Asked Questions about Macquarie and UTOPIA

Please note: As of January 1, 2017, XMission no longer sells DSL services. Last night, I attended the Murray town hall meeting on UTOPIA/Macquarie. It was refreshing to see over 300 people turn-out with many thoughtful questions. Although there was some misinformation from the audience broadcast, the city council and mayor did their best to […]
Data Center Cooling Optimizations Bring Big Wins

At XMission we have just completed some significant energy efficiency improvements in our data center. To educate the public and our customers as well as promote sustainable energy practices, I will be writing some blog posts about industry trends and the steps we have taken at XMission to dramatically improve our energy efficiencies. These best […]
Net Neutrality

A recent federal court decision in a case involving a Verizon challenge to FCC “Net Neutrality” rules has inspired many breathless headlines about the death of the Internet as we know it. Because this will enable giant Internet providers to start prioritizing traffic based upon what their customers are willing to pay them, it deals […]
20 Years

Twenty years ago today, the xmission.com domain went live on the Internet. Supported by a T1 connection to the University of Utah, a Sun Sparc Classic, and five 14.4Kbps modems, XMission was the first commercial Internet access available to the public in Utah. One small server handled email, domain name service, and Usenet news for […]
Data Centers: A Dramatically Changing Industry

NOTE: I wrote the following while preparing to be on a panel discussion at the University of Utah recently regarding the data center industry. The data center and telecommunications industry is a dynamic, even mercurial, industry full of change, opportunity, and often unpredictable challenges. I’ve worked in this industry for 17 years and thought it might be helpful to provide […]
You + XMission = Win! 4 reasons to become an XMission Channel Partner.

I am pleased to introduce the XMission Channel Partner program. Since 1993 XMission has provided amazing support and products that have garnered loyal fans and awards. Our loyal evangelists touted our products and provided referrals allowing us to grow and prosper all while building a reputation for excellence. Now we are looking to lend our […]
5 things I learned at HostingCon 2013

A couple of weeks ago, I attended HostingCon with another XMission long-time team member, Grant Sperry. We had an incredible experience and I wanted to share a few of the lessons we learned: * Love what you do. Staying relevant and connected with your customer base means that providers need to focus on the components […]
Fitness in the digital age or how #quantifiedself entered my world by my wrist.

Simply put, the great hairless ape is not meant to live at a desk in the seated position. The results of this indentured servitude to our qwerty keyboard master all whilst confined to cheap office outlet desk chairs means widening waistlines, poor posture, fatigue, and bad backs. About a decade ago a minor injury turned […]