Online Security for Kids: Using Fun Passwords

Now more than ever, our children’s lives are dominated by digital devices and social media platforms. Online education for most K–12 students is the new norm as even young children spend hours a day online. With this new way of life, some well-intentioned educators are instructing students to use insecure passwords with personally identifiable screen […]
Let’s Talk Phishing – Part 2

Earlier this week we talked about what phishing is and how these criminals try so hard to trick you out of your sensitive personal data. Now, we will cover how to identify phishing and discuss steps you can take to protect yourself and/or your company. Tips to identify a phishing email Watch for items that […]
Let’s Talk Phishing – Part 1

Phishing emails can be harder to identify than you think. Today, we dig in with part one of a two-part series meant to update our past posts on phishing: Getting phished Avoid the dangers of phishing. They aren’t who they say they are! A phish is an attempt to trick you into providing your personal […]
Gag Me with an Order

Sharp eyed monitors of our transparency page may have noticed XMission stepping back in time to log a U.S. Department of Justice warrant from February. This warrant carried a six-month gag order. When I received it, I respected the gag order and simply made a note in my personal calendar as to when I could […]
An honest discussion about data privacy, open source, and communications security.

Last week, Zimbra published their latest Zcast podcast about open source and security. I was fortunate to participate in the podcast. In preparation, I surveyed key XMission staff and found their candid responses regarding open source, data privacy, security, and the future of collaboration very intriguing. Today I’ll share their answers. You will learn valuable insights from Pete (XMission […]
Archived Article: Reduce Risk and Increase Revenue with a HIPAA Compliant Data Center

PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived article. XMission is no longer HIPAA compliant. Please visit our SOC2 compliance page to learn about our recent certifications. While everyone has a basic understanding about HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), few know why it might matter for their business. Even if you don’t currently have any […]
Net Neutrality

A recent federal court decision in a case involving a Verizon challenge to FCC “Net Neutrality” rules has inspired many breathless headlines about the death of the Internet as we know it. Because this will enable giant Internet providers to start prioritizing traffic based upon what their customers are willing to pay them, it deals […]
4 ways your business benefits from XMission’s privacy policy

In the past few weeks there has been a lot of media attention given to XMission’s stance on customer privacy (links below). Honestly, it feels great to finally be recognized for one of our core values. What isn’t being talked about is why our privacy policy matters to businesses. Earlier today, I asked our long-time […]
5 things I learned at HostingCon 2013

A couple of weeks ago, I attended HostingCon with another XMission long-time team member, Grant Sperry. We had an incredible experience and I wanted to share a few of the lessons we learned: * Love what you do. Staying relevant and connected with your customer base means that providers need to focus on the components […]
The NSA and XMission

Last November, I was invited to tour the new NSA Datacenter in Bluffdale as part of a Utah consortium of datacenter operators. The facility is impressive, as it should be when you spend over a billion dollars. Yet any questions about purpose were deflected by our tour guide. Instead we got raw specs about how […]