Tips & Helpful Information
Mail servers love Zimbra licensing. XMission makes it easy.

Email is the work horse of the Internet. It is tried and true. Inboxes rule our lives. Email is not going anywhere and, truthfully, it is only getting better. Recently we helped a customer out of a serious predicament with their mail server. They had installed the free, 60-day trial of Zimbra Network Edition and […]
Who Still Needs Colocation?

Cloud hosting has been getting a lot of press in recent years. It’d be easy to assume that everything is going to “the cloud.” With promises of lower CAPEX and higher elasticity, some business owners might feel obligated to move everything over. But is that the best choice for all organizations? Statistically, most companies still […]
How to edit your WordPress site content

In a previous post, I covered setting up and customizing a WordPress website with XMission shared hosting. In this article I will cover how to edit your WordPress website content. Good news, it’s super easy to edit text and images! Here’s how: NOTE: This post uses screenshots and terminology from WordPress version 3.9.1. Other versions […]
Disaster Recovery Finally Affordable for SMBs

Any company that relies on computers to store and process data should understand the importance of backups. Unfortunately, many small and medium-sized businesses feel overwhelmed at the prospect and don’t know how to proceed. Sound familiar? Thanks to free and easy to use software, sensible off-site backups for disaster recovery can now be accomplished cheaply […]
Zimbra filter trick texts you when important emails arrive

Today’s XMission Zimbra power tip identifies how to text yourself when an important email arrives. It uses a simple Zimbra filter and only takes about five seconds to setup. Create the filter: Within your XMission hosted Zimbra webmail go to Preferences tab then Filters, and click on [New Filter] Inside the Edit Filter window you will name the filter with […]
Frequently Asked Questions about Macquarie and UTOPIA

Please note: As of January 1, 2017, XMission no longer sells DSL services. Last night, I attended the Murray town hall meeting on UTOPIA/Macquarie. It was refreshing to see over 300 people turn-out with many thoughtful questions. Although there was some misinformation from the audience broadcast, the city council and mayor did their best to […]
Building a Stratum 1 NTP Server with a Raspberry Pi

Introduction I wanted to build my own NTP stratum 1 time server. An NTP server is a server that connects to the Internet to serve time to clients who can use that time to adjust the clock on their computer. NTP uses stratum levels to determine the distance from the source clock. A stratum 0 […]
Zimbra calendar problem? Try this easy fix for shared CalDAV calendars.

In today’s Zimbra Power Tip we show how to fix a very specific calendaring issue where some calendar applications cannot write to, view, or create events on a shared CalDAV calendar. This is specific to CalDAV configured Android devices, iPhones and iPads, or even iCal on your Mac. What is happening? Let’s identify a scenario around this […]
Data Center Sustainability Improvements Via Free Cooling

Water Side Economizing Also known as “free cooling,” water side economizing provides significant energy efficiencies because it doesn’t rely on traditional refrigeration. For this final post in my series about energy saving data center cooling strategies I’ll focus on the significant role water side economizing plays in modern data center HVAC (Heating Venting Air […]
Why Your Data Center Should Have Aisle Containment

As I say in my previous blog post, data centers in the United States use a full 1% of the nation’s power so improving efficiencies makes very real sense. In this series of blog posts about HVAC (Heating Venting Air Conditioning) cooling strategies for computers I summarize the main elements you should focus on to make […]