Introducing Zimbra Cloud with XMission

XMission is pleased to announce the addition of Synacor’s new Zimbra Cloud to our email and collaboration product line. This high availability platform offers the latest in collaboration tools with a sleek new webmail experience. The power of responsive design means users can move seamlessly between desktop, mobile, and tablet browsers with a consistent look […]
Let’s Talk Phishing – Part 2

Earlier this week we talked about what phishing is and how these criminals try so hard to trick you out of your sensitive personal data. Now, we will cover how to identify phishing and discuss steps you can take to protect yourself and/or your company. Tips to identify a phishing email Watch for items that […]
Let’s Talk Phishing – Part 1

Phishing emails can be harder to identify than you think. Today, we dig in with part one of a two-part series meant to update our past posts on phishing: Getting phished Avoid the dangers of phishing. They aren’t who they say they are! A phish is an attempt to trick you into providing your personal […]
PHP Support and WordPress Version

PHP EOL? PHP is a script language and interpreter that is freely available and used primarily on websites. According to PHP and, 60% of websites are using end of life (EOL) or otherwise non-supported PHP versions. Using non-supported PHP versions creates major security risks not only to your website but also XMission’s Shared Hosting […]
Imunify360: XMission’s Exciting Shared Hosting Security Enhancement

XMission’s Shared Hosting platform now offers the next level of security using Imunify360. Imunify360 offers multiple levels of protection through an advanced firewall, malware detection, PHP patch management, reputation management, and much more. XMission includes Imunify360’s basic services with its Shared Hosting at no additional charge, plus the option of purchasing powerful web cleanup services […]
Zimbra License: Maximize your Official Zimbra Support Experience

This post is for those interested in Zimbra licensing and covers how to maximize your Official Zimbra Support experience. XMission is a long-time Zimbra Gold Partner and can help you with hosted Zimbra email or Zimbra licensing and support for your email server needs. First, a couple quick definitions so you will understand this post. […]
After GDPR Is Domain Privacy Still Necessary?

For many years now most of us have felt compelled to pay for domain privacy when we renew our domains each year. Since domain Whois information was readily available we eventually found ourselves getting spammed badly enough that paying the extra for domain privacy was a no-brainer. But after the EU’s GDPR (General Data Protection […]
End-of-year Zimbra email server software incentives. Save 10% or more.

Readers: As of 1/1/18, this promotion has expired. Hot news! Purchase Zimbra Professional Edition Perpetual mailboxes from XMission by the end of the December 2017 and save 10% on 25-75 mailboxes and more on orders above 100 mailboxes! This end-of-year savings from XMission makes it the perfect time to upgrade from your Zimbra Open Source server […]
Best Practices for Zimbra Email Security

Email contains our most valuable data, yet we often show little concern for its security and protection. Password strength and security are the most substantial components of basic data security. Strong passwords—or even better, strong passphrases—help protect the sensitive data contained inside your business user mailboxes. Because so many password-recovery systems use email, accessing company […]
Converting an old HTML website to modern WordPress

Many websites developed ten or more years ago worked great at the time but have slowly fell out of style and usefulness as the internet has grown and evolved. These sites lack support for mobile screens, miss expected modern features, and often show stale design that conveys a sense of an abandoned endeavor like a […]