Zimbra Email account recovery

Forgetting your email password can be very frustrating, but fortunately there is an easy fix! Zimbra business email users can recover their account by resetting their own passwords by using the “Forgot Password” link on Zimbra webmail login page. The process utilizes a recovery email address of the users choice—it doesn’t have to be under […]
Our New Compromised Email Policy

This blog acts as notice to all XMission email customers, both residential and business, that our policy has recently been updated to include compromised email accounts. Policy Language: The Compromised Mail Account policy addition is found on the XMission Policy page: Due to serious problems stemming from compromised mailboxes, XMission will handle the first […]
Best Practices for Zimbra Email Security

Email contains our most valuable data, yet we often show little concern for its security and protection. Password strength and security are the most substantial components of basic data security. Strong passwords—or even better, strong passphrases—help protect the sensitive data contained inside your business user mailboxes. Because so many password-recovery systems use email, accessing company […]
How Secure is your Password?

Many of us have seen or personally experienced identity theft and financial fraud, so, why don’t we think about email fraud? Typically, we realize that something is wrong with our email accounts only after they have been compromised by a third party. Today, we want to let you know that compromised email often happens because […]