zimbra email
Zimbra License: Maximize your Official Zimbra Support Experience

This post is for those interested in Zimbra licensing and covers how to maximize your Official Zimbra Support experience. XMission is a long-time Zimbra Gold Partner and can help you with hosted Zimbra email or Zimbra licensing and support for your email server needs. First, a couple quick definitions so you will understand this post. […]
Upgrade to Zimbra licensing and save 25%! – EXPIRED

Readers: As of 6/30/15, this promotion is no longer in effect. For the next month, Zimbra licensing has a fantastic savings opportunity. Upgrade to Network Edition from XMission by the end of the month and save 25%! When you are ready upgrade to Network Edition from open source Zimbra, XMission will sweeten the deal by including three […]
Now serving up Zimbra 6.0.4 email and collaboration suite!

You likely noticed something a bit different about your Zimbra email and collaboration tools. That is the new Zimbra 6.0.4! XMission’s Hosted Email users receive the following new features and benefits: Tabbed email compose – This is one of our favorites here at XMission. Compose a new email, and then create or search for a […]