An honest discussion about data privacy, open source, and communications security.

Last week, Zimbra published their latest Zcast podcast about open source and security. I was fortunate to participate in the podcast. In preparation, I surveyed key XMission staff and found their candid responses regarding open source, data privacy, security, and the future of collaboration very intriguing. Today I’ll share their answers. You will learn valuable insights from Pete (XMission […]
Zimbra Server Admin Tip: Mailbox Password Migration and Server Settings Comparison

Mail server administration is not easy. That is why, for over 8 years, XMission has provided Zimbra Email & Collaboration services for thousands of businesses that don’t have the time and resources to manage their own mail server. We also sell Zimbra server licensing for those that do have the resources. This post will focus on […]
Archived Article: Our 2014 in review + a preview of XMission 2015

PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived article. XMission is no longer HIPAA compliant. Please visit our SOC2 compliance page to learn about our recent certifications. XMission made significant improvements to several products and kicked off a new professional services offering in 2014. Let’s quickly review a few of our highlights and preview 2015! Professional Services […]
Improve sales and retention in 2 steps with “Send Later” in Zimbra

Recently, a company owner that uses our hosted Zimbra service asked me about tools her teams could use to improve sales and manage customer relationships more efficiently. After a few minutes of talking we realized that what she really needed was a way to follow up on sales and service messaging that would be quick, simple to use, […]
Mail servers love Zimbra licensing. XMission makes it easy.

Email is the work horse of the Internet. It is tried and true. Inboxes rule our lives. Email is not going anywhere and, truthfully, it is only getting better. Recently we helped a customer out of a serious predicament with their mail server. They had installed the free, 60-day trial of Zimbra Network Edition and […]
Zimbra filter trick texts you when important emails arrive

Today’s XMission Zimbra power tip identifies how to text yourself when an important email arrives. It uses a simple Zimbra filter and only takes about five seconds to setup. Create the filter: Within your XMission hosted Zimbra webmail go to Preferences tab then Filters, and click on [New Filter] Inside the Edit Filter window you will name the filter with […]
Zimbra calendar problem? Try this easy fix for shared CalDAV calendars.

In today’s Zimbra Power Tip we show how to fix a very specific calendaring issue where some calendar applications cannot write to, view, or create events on a shared CalDAV calendar. This is specific to CalDAV configured Android devices, iPhones and iPads, or even iCal on your Mac. What is happening? Let’s identify a scenario around this […]
See how a simple “+” brings unlimited flexibility to your XMission email.

Today’s email tip will help you make better use of your XMission email with an amazingly easy to use feature called “suffix support” and it works with traditional @xmission.com or our Zimbra hosted email accounts. One email to rule them all Suffix support gives you the power of multiple email addresses, allowing you to easily identify […]
Zimbra Power Tip: Use Persona settings to easily manage emails and control costs

Today, we are going to discuss how to save time and money by using the Zimbra Persona setting to handle multiple account and domain aliases inside your webmail. Here is a question asked by one our XMission hosting customers: “We want to have separate accounts so that our craft business emails can show jane@craftydomain.com instead […]
Colocation or Cloud?

With so much media attention focused on cloud hosting, companies might feel compelled to move everything there. We all have those IT decision maker moments where the status quo no longer works and we realize that we need to stop mulling over the options and actually pick a new solution for X. Perhaps your current […]