Upgrade to Zimbra licensing and save 25%! – EXPIRED

Readers: As of 6/30/15, this promotion is no longer in effect. For the next month, Zimbra licensing has a fantastic savings opportunity. Upgrade to Network Edition from XMission by the end of the month and save 25%! When you are ready upgrade to Network Edition from open source Zimbra, XMission will sweeten the deal by including three […]
The NSA and XMission

Last November, I was invited to tour the new NSA Datacenter in Bluffdale as part of a Utah consortium of datacenter operators. The facility is impressive, as it should be when you spend over a billion dollars. Yet any questions about purpose were deflected by our tour guide. Instead we got raw specs about how […]
Six Strikes, CISPA, and the Assault on American Privacy

We’ve recently heard from many customers asking whether XMission is following the “Six Strikes” program that other larger Internet providers are undertaking in conjunction with media companies. XMission is required by the DMCA “safe harbor” law to inform customers of potential copyright infringement sourcing from their account or connection. We usually do that by passing […]
Declaration of Internet Freedom

With a continual barrage of threats against Internet freedom and individual privacy, it is time to establish a Declaration of Internet Freedom as we celebrate the Declaration of Independence. XMission has always fought for a free and open Internet while protecting individual privacy. We work with law enforcement under proper judicially sanctioned warrants, and do […]
An ISP That Believes in the Constitution

Recent actions by American technology companies have been disappointing to watch. For 17 years of XMission’s operation, we have consistently fought for the freedom and privacy of our customers. On many occasions, our customers have been attacked by individuals or groups who disagreed with what they were saying or publishing. Threats of legal action, unfounded […]
Protecting your net searches from prying eyes.

How much privacy do you expect while searching the Internet? If you expect complete privacy then you are in for a shock. I can assure you that the Internet did not evolve with your privacy in mind. Did you know that every search you make is recorded and archived by the search company? This is […]