Which router is right for your home?
Poorly placed or incompatible routers can drastically reduce wireless speeds, resulting in customer frustration and dissatisfaction. After all, who wants to receive lower speeds than they pay for?
Let’s determine what router will best suit your needs.
Our #1 recommendation: XWi Home
XWi Home includes a premium WiFi 6e router and mobile app, allowing you to easily control and optimize your home wireless.
With XWi Home, you can:
- Connect to the Internet securely
- Reach connection speeds much closer to 10Gb
- Configure powerful parental controls to protect your family and limit browsing times
- Automatically block malware, ransomware, and viruses with active security protections
- Fine tune your own gaming and streaming preferences with device optimization
- Expand your WiFi coverage up to 2500 sq ft
- Contact XMission support for hassle-free remote maintenance
- Manage devices accessing your network
- Connect up to 500 devices supported with powerful antenna configuration
Larger homes
If you want to use XWi Home in a home larger than 2500 square feet, we recommend purchasing XWi Home and combining it with a mesh extender that will cover an additional 1700 square feet. Depending on the size of your home, you may need one or two mesh units. XMission can help you use the mesh extender(s) to link with your router, greatly improving your WiFi reach and performance.
Tips for optimal router performance
Check all Ethernet and power cables
Loose cables can derail your speeds and performance. Before moving your router or purchasing new hardware, give your cables a once-over and adjust any poor connections.
Upgrade your Ethernet cables
After upgrading your Internet connection, double check your Ethernet cables to ensure that they can handle faster speeds. Try upgrading your Ethernet cables before investing in a new router to resolve any bottlenecks. Gigabit connections require a minimum of Cat 5e. As well, over time cabling can fail so replace old ethernet cables when needed.
Locate your router in a central location
To optimize wireless performance, please place your router as close to the center of your home as possible. Please keep your router away from exterior walls and avoid placing it in your home’s basement.
Place your router in a well-ventilated area free of interference
When determining the best location for your router, please avoid: Large metal objects (e.g., your furnace, televisions, etc.) Devices that emit a radio frequency Microwaves Cordless phones Heated surfaces
Check your router’s airflow and clear all vents to ensure that it does not overheat.
Change your wireless channel
If you live in an area with multiple wireless devices (e.g., an apartment complex), you may want to change your router’s wireless channel to one less used to eliminate interference.
Check your firmware
To resolve stability and security issues that can affect speeds, you may need to upgrade your router’s firmware. If you are using our supplied router, please contact XMission support and we can walk you through this process. Otherwise, contact the manufacturer for assistance.