XMission Proudly Sponsors the 2015 Twilight Concert Series

As a long-time Partner sponsor, XMission has loved watching the Twilight Concert Series grow from a blanket event into a most beloved, summer-in-SLC tradition. We appreciate the hard work of the Salt Lake City Arts Council, who bring diverse, emerging artists to our beautiful downtown Salt Lake City every year. The Lineup If you didn’t […]
XMission upgrades to Zimbra 8.6 Email & Collaboration, then boosts quota to 50 GB!

XMission’s Zimbra Email & Collaboration customers enjoyed two fantastic upgrades over the July 4th week. First, we upgraded to Zimbra 8.6 (Patch 3 applied). Zimbra Email & Collaboration 8.6 brings many updates including: Greatly improved Mobile HTML Client (try it on your iOS or Android device) Native Outlook for Mac functionality (Never a better time to […]
XMission Podcast: Episode 1 – “Why Fiber”

As a leading ISP in Utah, XMission sets out to not only provide incredible customer service and relationships, but to educate our customers on the landscape ahead of them. The XMission Podcast is another way that we aim to educate consumers about the technical world they live in. Focusing on the diverse landscape of Internet […]
The Rules of Local Number Portability

Local Number Portability (LNP): the process of taking your phone numbers with you when you go. Sounds simple enough. You move, or you get a new phone system, so you tell the new carrier what your numbers are, they add them to the new system and you’re done. Right? Well, no. Unfortunately, it’s almost never that simple. […]
Five Tips for Businesses to Avoid Downtime

Salt Lake City companies never expected a tornado to take their business offline but that’s exactly what would have happened to XMission if we hadn’t properly prepared for the worst. Back in 1999, we decided to expand into the empty former battery factory next door and convert it into a modern data center. The Internet bubble was in full […]
Art Lives Here: XMission proudly sponsors the 2015 Utah Arts Festival

We can’t believe that 2015 marks our fifteenth year of XMission sponsoring the Utah Arts Festival! The Festival kicks off at Library Square on Thursday, June 25 and runs through Sunday, June 28. XMission will once again sponsor the popular Hospitality Patio! This year, the Festival has partnered with KUER (another friend of XMission) and […]
Upgrade to Zimbra licensing and save 25%! – EXPIRED

Readers: As of 6/30/15, this promotion is no longer in effect. For the next month, Zimbra licensing has a fantastic savings opportunity. Upgrade to Network Edition from XMission by the end of the month and save 25%! When you are ready upgrade to Network Edition from open source Zimbra, XMission will sweeten the deal by including three […]
An honest discussion about data privacy, open source, and communications security.

Last week, Zimbra published their latest Zcast podcast about open source and security. I was fortunate to participate in the podcast. In preparation, I surveyed key XMission staff and found their candid responses regarding open source, data privacy, security, and the future of collaboration very intriguing. Today I’ll share their answers. You will learn valuable insights from Pete (XMission […]
Is Colocation Right for Your Enterprise?

While most Internet savvy people have heard about data centers, many don’t know what it means to colocate servers in one, why they’d want to, or how to when it makes good business sense for them to do so. Why would you need to colocate? Virtually all web sites you visit online are hosted in […]
Zimbra Server Admin Tip: Mailbox Password Migration and Server Settings Comparison

Mail server administration is not easy. That is why, for over 8 years, XMission has provided Zimbra Email & Collaboration services for thousands of businesses that don’t have the time and resources to manage their own mail server. We also sell Zimbra server licensing for those that do have the resources. This post will focus on […]