zimbra collaboration
Buy Zimbra Talk licensing this December and save 25% !

For the next month, Zimbra licensing has a fantastic savings opportunity. Purchase Zimbra Talk from XMission by the end of the December 2016 and save 25%! Zimbra Talk allows your Zimbra server (Network Edition) to host live chats, video conferences, audio conversations, group document editing, plus file and screen sharing all from your Zimbra webmail. You can even use […]
Migrate your Email from Google Apps to Zimbra Collaboration

In today’s Email Admin Tip we reveal how you can migrate email from Google Apps to Zimbra Collaboration at XMission. Utilizing a command line software tool called IMAPSync and OAuth authentication, you can migrate your email data between Google’s mail servers and XMission’s Zimbra mail servers. Currently, Google Apps supports use of OAuth and the following documentation links provide […]