ARCHIVE: XMission Launches New Smart Device App for Faster Diagnostics

Please note: This article is no longer current. XMission no longer offers a diagnostic app. Today, XMission’s technical support team launched an exciting, new smart device app that will help our customers to receive faster resolution to their network- and wireless-oriented support calls! What will the app do? XMission’s support team will use the XMission […]
This is the place for cyber security: XMission sponsors SAINTCON 2019!

For the first time in many years, XMission will sponsor SAINTCON, Utah’s premier cybersecurity conference! This year, SAINTCON will take place in Provo, Utah at the Utah Valley Convention Center on October 22-25. You can register today by visiting their website. In past years, SAINTCON has sold out, so please don’t wait too long if […]
Read reddit at work from your Zimbra webmail

That’s right! Redditors can easily read their favorite reddit threads from Zimbra’s webmail interface using the Zimbra RSS feed tool. Let’s set this tool up! STEP 1: Find your RSS folder (Tip: Rename RSS to aRSS to place higher in the Zimbra webmail folder display.) STEP 2: Add a new Folder for the RSS […]
Zimbra License: Maximize your Official Zimbra Support Experience

This post is for those interested in Zimbra licensing and covers how to maximize your Official Zimbra Support experience. XMission is a long-time Zimbra Gold Partner and can help you with hosted Zimbra email or Zimbra licensing and support for your email server needs. First, a couple quick definitions so you will understand this post. […]
Our New Compromised Email Policy

This blog acts as notice to all XMission email customers, both residential and business, that our policy has recently been updated to include compromised email accounts. Policy Language: The Compromised Mail Account policy addition is found on the XMission Policy page: Due to serious problems stemming from compromised mailboxes, XMission will handle the first […]
Connect with Local Cyber Security Experts at BSidesSLC 2019

Later this month, cyber security experts and enthusiasts will gather to build, break, network, learn, and give back at BSidesSLC. XMission has proudly sponsored this important, community driven conference since 2015. What: BSidesSLC 2019 When: February 21-22, 2019 Where: Embassy Suites in South Jordan, Utah Registration: Our own security and systems administrator, Aaron Toponce, will […]
Keeping the Lights on at XMission

We thought some might appreciate a recent behind-the-scenes story about how XMission maintained uninterrupted service when utility water and then power were lost. Typically, infrastructure is something people only think about when it isn’t working. We take for granted the complex engineering and maintenance required to provide our modern world with real time access to […]
Stuff We Like: 2018 XMission Gift Guide

Obviously, we spend a lot of time on the Internet, so our staff loves helping Santa choose the right gifts for technical (and not-so-technical) friends and family members. We hope these ideas get the consumer juices flowing in your festive brains. While you are feeling generous, please show some love to our fellow local businesses […]
Media Release: XMission Recognizes its 10,000th Subscriber on UTOPIA Fiber

Today, XMission celebrated the 10,000th customer to sign up for its fiber optic service on the UTOPIA Fiber network. The customer, JR Medina of Murray, received a free year of XMission’s Gigabit data service. “I am extremely happy with UTOPIA,” said JR. “From the installation to how they hooked up my router, it was easy. […]
How to add a contact form to your WordPress website

A contact form is the most straight-forward and ubiquitous way for your website visitors to send you comments and information. WordPress does not offer a native form tool, so this job calls for a plugin. Mandatory disclaimer: DO NOT INSTALL UNTRUSTED PLUGINS! Malicious plugins can compromise your website and destroy your data! I strongly suggest […]