Science and Engineering Fair Judges Needed!

Every year, XMission looks forward to supporting the Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair (SLVSEF). Pete Ashdown, our founder and president, serves as a judge and awards the XMission Technology Award to the student who best demonstrates creativity in utilizing the Internet for either research or as a presentation element. I spoke with Pete […]
20 Years

Twenty years ago today, the domain went live on the Internet. Supported by a T1 connection to the University of Utah, a Sun Sparc Classic, and five 14.4Kbps modems, XMission was the first commercial Internet access available to the public in Utah. One small server handled email, domain name service, and Usenet news for […]
Are you an Art Fan? XMission proudly sponsors the 2013 Utah Arts Festival

For the thirteenth year, XMission proudly sponsors the Utah Arts Festival! This year’s festival takes place on Thursday, June 20 to Sunday, June 23 at Salt Lake City’s Library Square with XMission presenting the always-fun Sponsor Patio. The Utah Arts Festival features 162 visual artists, including 45 who are Utah-based, and 117 additional visiting from […]
Salt Lake Valley Science & Engineering Fair = Kids Doing Really Cool Stuff

You may recall that last year, XMission sponsored the Craft Lake City Science & Technology Building as well as SLC Mini Maker Faire. Because many of our local innovators cut their teeth in school science fairs, XMission is very excited to once again sponsor the Salt Lake Valley Science and Engineering Fair (SLVSEF), March 20-22 […]
Happy 30th birthday to KRCL!

Today we celebrate KRCL: 30 years of independent music, information and a unique voice in our community. I recall setting up KRCL as non-profit account with XMission back in 1997. Back then their needs were small but quickly grew. Today, XMission sponsors the KRCL live radio streams and we appreciate the benefits they bring to […]
Utah Open Source Conference 2009 Discount

If you plan on attending the Utah Open Source Conference this October, please take advantage of the following promo code and receive 50% off a Full Access Pass ($35 instead of $70): XM Register now at Registration lasts until October 10, 2009 but you’ll save some money if you register before September 19. To […]
Utah Arts Fest this Weekend

XMission has proudly sponsored the Utah Arts Festival for more than a decade. In addition to supplying funds for the “Sponsor Patio,” XMission provides wireless services to the festival grounds, and hosts the Utah Arts Festival website. We have even worked occasionally with exhibiting, tech-oriented artists. The festival is taking place this weekend (June 26-29) […]