
XMission's Company Journal

Tips & Helpful Information

How to add a contact form to your WordPress website

A contact form is the most straight-forward and ubiquitous way for your website visitors to send you comments and information. WordPress does not offer a native form tool, so this job calls for a plugin. Mandatory disclaimer: DO NOT INSTALL UNTRUSTED PLUGINS! Malicious plugins can compromise your website and destroy your data!  I strongly suggest […]

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After GDPR Is Domain Privacy Still Necessary?

For many years now most of us have felt compelled to pay for domain privacy when we renew our domains each year. Since domain Whois information was readily available we eventually found ourselves getting spammed badly enough that paying the extra for domain privacy was a no-brainer. But after the EU’s GDPR (General Data Protection […]

Sane Password Management

Do you have trouble remembering your passwords? Struggle to create a secure, new password when you have to sign-up at yet another new website? Get frustrated trying to correctly type secure passwords on your smartphone too? Follow along as I explain password security best practices for the non-mathematicians of the world. While online security has […]

Buy Zimbra Open Source Support & Zimbra Suite Plus Tools from XMission

If you run your own Zimbra Open Source email server, we are pleased to announce that you can now purchase Zimbra Open Source Support and Zimbra Suite Plus new generation modules directly from XMission. When something happens to your Zimbra Open Source email server it can be frustrating trying to find the expert or the expertise you […]

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Best Practices for Zimbra Email Security

Email contains our most valuable data, yet we often show little concern for its security and protection. Password strength and security are the most substantial components of basic data security. Strong passwords—or even better, strong passphrases—help protect the sensitive data contained inside your business user mailboxes. Because so many password-recovery systems use email, accessing company […]

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Does Your Organization Need SOC 1 or SOC 2? – Updated!

PLEASE NOTE: This article contains outdated information. XMission is no longer HIPAA or SSAE 16 compliant. Please visit our SOC2 compliance page to learn about our recent certifications. What is SOC 1 (SSAE 16)? Not so many years ago, publicly traded businesses typically would conduct annual SAS 70 audits and feel content, knowing that an […]

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Is it your connection or your router?

You just got home and decided to see what’s new on a social site or continue playing that favorite game of yours. Maybe because it’s a new year, you got a new router. Maybe you’re getting buffering and more buffering, or the spinning wheel of death. You might be thinking, “Did I get a bad […]

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Getting the speeds you should get

Internet speeds today are 100 times faster than they were ten years ago. Every day we push the limits of our Internet connections to meet demands. The 250Mbps and 1Gbps connections provided by UTOPIA and XMission are no exception. We know what it means to need a fast and reliable Internet connection. The one oversight […]

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XMission Unlimited Hosting Control Panel Upgrade

XMission has completed a major upgrade to our Plesk Control Panel and now provides Parallel’s latest 12.05 Odin Control Panel. These updates address many security vulnerabilities and provide better stability, reliability, and enhanced development for our Unlimited Web Hosting customers. These new control panel upgrades bring both enhancements to the tools you are used to as well as […]

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