Stuff We Like
XMission Proudly Sponsors Summer Festivals in SLC!
We know how to celebrate our summer season here in Utah. Every year, XMission sponsors a number of downtown summer events that bring thousands of visitors to Salt Lake City. Please attend these events and support our incredible artists, performers, and vendors! This weekend, the Salt Lake Arts Council starts the season off right with […]
Empty Your Pockets for Love UT Give UT on March 30
Join with XMission and thousands of your fellow Utahns on March 30 to support the 5th anniversary of Love UT Give UT, a day-long fundraising event benefitting Utah nonprofits. Love UT Give UT, an initiative of The Community Foundation of Utah, leverages technology to make the giving process easier than ever. Give where you live! […]
Register for BSidesSLC 2017 before it’s too late!
Our friends over at BSidesSLC are actively registering smart people like you for their 2017 conference! If you work in information security, or want to expand your skill set, you’ll definitely want to attend. At BSidesSLC, you’ll have a lot of fun learning about and discussing emerging security issues while socializing with industry experts. When: […]
6 steps to Zimbra two-factor authentication with YubiKey
We are proud to announce that XMission Zimbra Email and Collaboration now features two-factor authentication (2FA). Two-factor authentication is a technology that provides identification of users utilizing two different components. Typically something that you know (like a password, UserID, etc) and something you have (a smartphone, USB-key, etc.). Using 2FA protects you against phishing and other sophisticated attacks. In this […]
Media Release: XMission Receives Perfect Score on Energy Star Certification from U.S. EPA
Salt Lake City, UT – XMission has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR certification for 2017 which signifies that XMission’s data center facility performs in the top 25 percent of data centers nationwide for energy efficiency and meets strict energy efficiency performance levels set by the EPA. Scores for ENERGY STAR can range […]
Stuff We Like: 2016 XMission Holiday Gift Guide
Once again, our staff has compiled a list of gift recommendations (both tech-oriented and non-tech) for those folks on your gift list that leave you scratching your head at the last minute. In addition to the gifts listed below, we also hope that you will support our fellow local businesses as well as our friends […]
Sharpen Your Skills and Meet New Friends at OpenWest 2016
Woo hoo! Our favorite conference of the year has arrived. OpenWest will take place on July 13-16 at the Southtowne Exposition Center. XMission has sponsored OpenWest, a regional conference to support and promote open source software, since its inception back in 2006. Every year since 2006, OpenWest (formerly the Utah Open Source Conference (UTOSC) ) […]
Support Love UT Give UT online, on March 31!
Each year, XMission participates in Love UT Give UT, a 24-hour online fundraising event hosted by the Community Foundation of Utah to benefit Utah nonprofits. Love UT Give UT makes it so easy for anyone with an Internet connection to contribute to the nonprofit(s) of their choice! We love how Love UT Give UT uses […]
XMission Proudly Sponsors BSidesSLC 2016!
If you work in information security (or want to learn more about it), check out BSidesSLC2016. XMission has signed on to sponsor BSidesSLC for our second year and we look forward to another day of workshops, talks, entertainment, games (Hacker Jeopardy, anyone?), and, of course, spending time with our amazing friends in the local IS […]
PHP + Powder = Perfect Day! XMission proudly sponsors 2016 Ski PHP Conference.
Once again, XMission is a proud sponsor of Ski PHP 2016! This growing conference combines two of our favorite things: coding and taking powder days in the beautiful Wasatch. They have some great speakers coming into town next week to teach you about PHP and web development. You should attend! When: Classes on January 14-15, […]