Media Release: XMission Provides Computers to Utah Students

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the necessity of students having access to computers at home. XMission is partnering with the Salt Lake Education Foundation to provide 50 laptop computers to underserved Salt Lake City School District students. The pandemic has worsened the digital divide and has put low-income students at a greater disadvantage for successful […]
Media Release: XMission Donates Textbooks to Zimbabwean Developer Group, ZimboPy

On Monday, June 25, XMission donated textbooks to 20 participants in ZimboPy, an on-the-ground effort by local Python developers in the Harare. ZimboPy work in community centers, universities and tech hubs to teach girls coding āIām very pleased that XMission can help create educational opportunities for young women in Zimbabwe,ā said Pete Ashdown, president and […]
XMission Proudly Sponsors Summer Festivals in SLC!

We know how to celebrate our summer season here in Utah. Every year, XMission sponsors a number of downtown summer events that bring thousands of visitors to Salt Lake City. Please attend these events and support our incredible artists, performers, and vendors! This weekend, the Salt Lake Arts Council starts the season off right with […]
Empty Your Pockets for Love UT Give UT on March 30

Join with XMission and thousands of your fellow Utahns on March 30 to support the 5th anniversary of Love UT Give UT, a day-long fundraising event benefitting Utah nonprofits. Love UT Give UT, an initiative of The Community Foundation of Utah, leverages technology to make the giving process easier than ever. Give where you live! […]
Support Love UT Give UT online, on March 31!

Each year, XMission participates in Love UT Give UT, a 24-hour online fundraising event hosted by the Community Foundation of Utah to benefit Utah nonprofits. Love UT Give UT makes it so easy for anyone with an Internet connection to contribute to the nonprofit(s) of their choice! We love how Love UT Give UT uses […]