Security & Safety
Register for BSidesSLC 2017 before it’s too late!

Our friends over at BSidesSLC are actively registering smart people like you for their 2017 conference! If you work in information security, or want to expand your skill set, you’ll definitely want to attend. At BSidesSLC, you’ll have a lot of fun learning about and discussing emerging security issues while socializing with industry experts. When: […]
6 steps to Zimbra two-factor authentication with YubiKey

We are proud to announce that XMission Zimbra Email and Collaboration now features two-factor authentication (2FA). Two-factor authentication is a technology that provides identification of users utilizing two different components. Typically something that you know (like a password, UserID, etc) and something you have (a smartphone, USB-key, etc.). Using 2FA protects you against phishing and other sophisticated attacks. In this […]
Does Your Organization Need SOC 1 or SOC 2? – Updated!

PLEASE NOTE: This article contains outdated information. XMission is no longer HIPAA or SSAE 16 compliant. Please visit our SOC2 compliance page to learn about our recent certifications. What is SOC 1 (SSAE 16)? Not so many years ago, publicly traded businesses typically would conduct annual SAS 70 audits and feel content, knowing that an […]
Easily Encrypt & Sign Email with Zimbra and OpenPGP

The OpenPGP Zimlet allows XMission Zimbra webmail to encrypt and sign email messages. It is available to XMission Zimbra Premium or Personal Premium mailboxes. OpenPGP encryption prevents your messages from being opened by anyone other than the intended recipient. It will prevents your message from being altered or changed by anyone other than yourself, maintaining the authenticity […]
XMission Proudly Sponsors BSidesSLC 2016!

If you work in information security (or want to learn more about it), check out BSidesSLC2016. XMission has signed on to sponsor BSidesSLC for our second year and we look forward to another day of workshops, talks, entertainment, games (Hacker Jeopardy, anyone?), and, of course, spending time with our amazing friends in the local IS […]
Five Tips for Businesses to Avoid Downtime

Salt Lake City companies never expected a tornado to take their business offline but that’s exactly what would have happened to XMission if we hadn’t properly prepared for the worst. Back in 1999, we decided to expand into the empty former battery factory next door and convert it into a modern data center. The Internet bubble was in full […]
An honest discussion about data privacy, open source, and communications security.

Last week, Zimbra published their latest Zcast podcast about open source and security. I was fortunate to participate in the podcast. In preparation, I surveyed key XMission staff and found their candid responses regarding open source, data privacy, security, and the future of collaboration very intriguing. Today I’ll share their answers. You will learn valuable insights from Pete (XMission […]
Is Colocation Right for Your Enterprise?

While most Internet savvy people have heard about data centers, many don’t know what it means to colocate servers in one, why they’d want to, or how to when it makes good business sense for them to do so. Why would you need to colocate? Virtually all web sites you visit online are hosted in […]
7 tips for aspiring systems administrators who also like to sleep at night

Nobody likes to get a call in the middle of the night that the company web site is down, or worse, hacked. It’s one of the key reasons why businesses often choose managed hosting solutions, after all. Of course, not all web sites can be run by someone else and in many cases administrating your […]
Archived Article: Reduce Risk and Increase Revenue with a HIPAA Compliant Data Center

PLEASE NOTE: This is an archived article. XMission is no longer HIPAA compliant. Please visit our SOC2 compliance page to learn about our recent certifications. While everyone has a basic understanding about HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), few know why it might matter for their business. Even if you don’t currently have any […]