Tips & Helpful Information
Zimbra Tips: Keyboard shortcuts
What is Zimbra? I have to say that Zimbra is such a fantastic mix of collaboration tools that it is difficult to explain in only a few words. If I had to tell you what Zimbra is to me, I would say “life changing.” Out of the countless mail clients I have used throughout the […]
Getting Your PS3 Online
Please note: As of January 1, 2017, XMission no longer sells DSL services. So, you’d like to snipe a few fellow gamers in a game of Metal Gear Solid Online but there’s just one problem: your PS3 isn’t connected to the network. Fear not, for I shall walk you through the valley of the shadow […]
Getting Phished?
Recently, a few dozen of our subscribers received an email claiming to be from XMission that urged them to email their password. This fraudulent, “phishing” email did not come from XMission; unfortunately, it looked authentic enough that a few customers responded. Obviously, we find emails like this incredibly frustrating. Spam has cost us tremendously in […]
Worried about Identity Theft?
The FTC’s national education campaign – AvoID Theft: Deter, Detect, Defend – aims to empower consumers to protect themselves against identity theft and to minimize the damage it can cause. Using this site, consumers can learn how to avoid identity theft, and find out what to do if their identity is stolen. Businesses can […]