speed test
XMission Labs: Speed Test Lab

Here I would like to show you how I was able to run accurate speed test results on a multi-gigabit connection. While this article was written with our 2.5Gb and 10Gb customers in mind, a lot of this advice will apply to anyone who wants to get an accurate speed test, so feel free to […]
Anatomy of Multi-gig Speed Testing

Akin to the struggles of medieval alchemists seeking the mythic philosopher’s stone, accurately testing your Internet connection’s speed requires perseverance. Testing 1Gb connections has been challenging enough but with multi-gig residential fiber deployments becoming more common we’re seeing consumers express frustration at their inability to prove that they’re getting what they’re paying for. The established […]
All of your Speed Test Questions Answered

Speed test websites or servers allow users to test the speed between their device and a server using the server’s Internet connection. Running speed tests are a great way to determine if you have a connectivity issue, however, there are a number of factors that can dramatically affect the results of your tests. We hope […]