
XMission's Company Journal

U.S. Call Center Support Better and Growing

This NPR story discusses something most people have known for years: that the quality of off shore call center support pales in comparison to US-based centers. Interestingly, companies are starting to move support back to the US.

Of course, XMission has always provided local support. All of our support technicians are based in Salt Lake City, Utah although some do work from home these days, for at least part of the week.


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3 thoughts on “U.S. Call Center Support Better and Growing

  • Jesse Harris says:

    A few years ago, there was a new movement called “homeshoring” where companies moved their call centers to rural areas with cheap offices and cheap labor. (Think Iowa farm towns.) Given the quality differential between that and offshoring, I wouldn’t be surprised if off-shore phone support becomes a thing of the past.

  • Grant Sperry says:

    Jesse, excellent. I like how companies have people working from home, which saves money while keeping jobs in the US. Not only does telecommuting save companies money, but we cut down on traffic, gas consumption, and pollution; lastly, people who struggle to work in a traditional work force can do some of these jobs. Positive effects all around.

  • Randall K. says:

    If wikileaks loses their ISP ( it would be awesome to see XMission step up to offer them a new home. I have been a longtime admirer of Pete Ashdown’s policies against censorship on the web amidst the irony of being headquartered behind the zion curtain. Go, Pete!