501 Tech Club Salt Lake City Kickoff on Thursday, May 9
This Thursday, XMission, Third Sun Productions, and the Utah Nonprofits Association will launch the 501 Tech Club Salt Lake City – a local chapter of the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN).
Our local 501 Tech Club will meet regularly to help Utah nonprofits find access to local resources, education, and networking opportunities in a relaxed setting. In other communities, 501 Tech Clubs have connected nonprofits with volunteers and discounted vendors, donated hardware and software, and coordinated presentations from local technologists and business leaders.
The 501 Tech Club will hold an open house this Thursday, May 9 at 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at The State Room (638 S State Street.) Attendees must be over 21 years of age.
There is no cost to attend, nor will you be required to become a member of NTEN to participate. Please just show up at the door!
During this first meeting, we want to accomplish three things:
- Meet attendees (nonprofits, volunteers, vendors, etc.) and learn more about their background and challenges.
- Gauge the level of interest in regular meetings.
- Collect ideas for speakers, topics, and other ways that we can help you!
If you would like to attend and cannot make it, please create a free account on NTEN and join our group!
Huge thanks to The State Room for hosting this event for us.
We hope to see you on Thursday!

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