XMission Sponsors the 2011 Salt Lake Valley Science & Engineering Fair
It’s science fair season in Utah schools and XMission is again sponsoring the Salt Lake Valley Science & Engineering Fair on March 22-25 at the University of Utah. Each year, the Fair features the best young Utah scientists in grades 5 to 12. Students present their experiments and compete for a chance to represent Utah at the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair.
Local companies, including XMission, support the Fair by volunteering, donating needed funds, providing door prizes, and offering scholarships and grants. Last year, five Grand Award-winning seniors received $80,000 scholarships from Westminster College. Each year, our own Pete Ashdown judges the Fair and awards students the XMission Technology Award (including a fancy Newton’s Cradle) for best use of technology and the Internet.
Students who want to take their discoveries online may be interested in the Google Global Science Fair. Google accepts entries from any full-time students, ages 13 to 18. Students can submit entries starting from now until April 4. Prizes include National Geographic Expeditions and Google scholarships.
Your kids’ scary experiments in the fridge could pay off big! Good luck to all of the young scientists out there.

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