
XMission's Company Journal

Yes, you can be two places at once. XMission Anywhere.

It was one of those moments. I had been waiting for an hour for a very important phone call. With every passing minute its arrival became more imminent. And while I was sitting at my desk going over notes and spread sheets one more time, what happened? An important client ran into my office, needing an immediate escort into our data center for some emergency service to his equipment.

We have all been there, haven’t we? You need to be in two places at once. Two years ago, one of these contacts would have been missed.

Today, however, I have solved my own problem. I use XMission Anywhere (a Broadworks based application) on my office extension.

Sure enough, while helping the client in the data center, that call came through. But it didn’t just ring my desk, it rang my personal cell phone as well, so I was able to answer it right there in the data center. After a moment, the client finished up, and I was able to return to my office.

And here’s the difference – with the push of a button, the call on my cell was transferred instantly back to my desk phone. I was able to hang up my cell and free up my hands to go through the documents I had prepared, and the caller was none the wiser.

Anywhere can work the other way to. It is possible, just possible, that I may on the occasion of a long conference call use Anywhere to secretively move that call from my desk phone to my personal cell so that I can go grab a cup of coffee, and then transfer it back when I return.

And think, with this advanced IP based technology, you wouldn’t have to stay at your desk late because you are stuck on a call. Use XMission Anywhere to transfer it to your cell and take it with you. Or if you’re late getting into the office, you can still answer calls before you’re at your desk and then when you arrive you just pass it to your desktop phone with a single button. (Let’s face it, we all prefer to use our cell phones for calls as little as possible, don’t we)

Anywhere is more intelligent than a simple Call Forward feature.  For example, at XMission, we have a NOC queue for emergencies. Most phone systems that have call forwarding do not play with queues. Once a call gets forwarded out of the system, its gone. With XMission Anywhere, my cell can participate in that emergency queue.  And if I am unavailable, the call does not go to my cell voice mail, it goes back into the queue for the next available agent.

And there is even more to it than that. XMission Anywhere allows you to hide your personal cell phone. With Anywhere, you are given a unique portal number. When you call into it, you are presented with a dial tone which functions exactly as the dial tone on your desktop. Dial out, and the caller ID will appear to the called party as coming from your own desk, not your cell phone. Dial by extension. Use a VSC code. Check your Voice Mail. Anything, anywhere.

Anywhere is also fully configurable. Turn it on or off from the keypad, the web portal, or even a toolbar in your browser or Outlook. You only need be available when you want to be.

And this is just one of the features that make XMission Business Phone Services the new era of voice communication. Call us today and find out how else this new breed of office communication platforms can help your business.



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