The above links demonstrate a basic navigational structure using an unordered list styled with CSS. Use this as a starting point and modify the properties to produce your own unique look. If you require flyout menus, create your own using a Spry menu, a menu widget from Adobe's Exchange or a variety of other javascript or CSS solutions.

If you would like the navigation along the top, simply move the ul.nav to the top of the page and recreate the styling.

Welcome to My Webpage

Someday when I get around to it, I will post something really cool here. For now you can just imagine coolness.


Turn down the entertainment, distractions and turn up learning. Take time to build relationships with family members. Rid youself of idleness.

Sample distractions


  1. Randomly surfing the web
  2. TV
  3. movies
  4. Gaming
  5. Sports
  6. sipping Beer on the front porch day in and out.

Logo Replacement

An image placeholder was used in this layout in the .header where